How to shorten blind slats

Sometimes you may have a need to shorten your vertical blind slats. Maybe you’ve had a new window installed or a new internal window cill. Maybe you have decided to reuse an existing vertical blind and you need to adjust the length of the blind slats.

Well you’ll be pleased to know that shortening blinds slats is easy. There is no sewing or gluing involved either and within minutes you can shorten your blind slats to whatever length you require simply by using these rather clever DIY vertical blind slat hangers. They come in two pieces, you fold the blind slat fabric over the thin plastic rod and then slide the hanger over that. The slat is gripped in place and your slats are as good as new! Simples! Need to shorten blind slats? The blind slat hangers are available from Just Blinds priced at 65p each
